Angel Heart

Author(s): HOJO Tsukasa

Status: Ongoing

Rank: 39785th Comments


Volume 31Chapter 331-339
Ch 339     Jun 25, 2024 Ch 338     Jun 19, 2024 Ch 337     Jun 19, 2024 Ch 336     Jun 19, 2024 Ch 335     Jun 19, 2024 Ch 334     Jun 19, 2024 Ch 333     Jun 19, 2024 Ch 332     Jun 19, 2024 Ch 331     May 2, 2024
Volume 30Chapter 320-330
Ch 330     May 2, 2024 Ch 329     Apr 23, 2024 Ch 328     Apr 23, 2024 Ch 327     Apr 12, 2024 Ch 326     Apr 12, 2024 Ch 325     Apr 12, 2024 Ch 324     Apr 12, 2024 Ch 323     Apr 11, 2024 Ch 322     Apr 11, 2024 Ch 321     Apr 11, 2024 Ch 320     Apr 11, 2024
Volume 29Chapter 309-319
Ch 319     Apr 10, 2024 Ch 318     Apr 10, 2024 Ch 317     Apr 10, 2024 Ch 316     Apr 10, 2024 Ch 315     Apr 10, 2024 Ch 314     Apr 8, 2024 Ch 313     Apr 8, 2024 Ch 312     Apr 8, 2024 Ch 311     Apr 3, 2024 Ch 310     Apr 3, 2024 Ch 309     Apr 3, 2024
Volume 28Chapter 298-308
Volume 27Chapter 287-297
Volume 26Chapter 276-286
Volume 25Chapter 265-275
Volume 24Chapter 246-264
Volume 23Chapter 243-245
Volume 22Chapter 232-242
Volume 21Chapter 221-231
Volume 20Chapter 210-220
Volume 19Chapter 199-209
Volume 18Chapter 188-198
Volume 17Chapter 177-187
Volume 16Chapter 166-176
Volume 15Chapter 155-165
Volume 14Chapter 144-154
Volume 13Chapter 133-143
Volume 12Chapter 122-132
Volume 11Chapter 111-121
Volume 10Chapter 100-110
Volume 09Chapter 89-99
Volume 08Chapter 78-88
Volume 07Chapter 67-77
Volume 06Chapter 56-66
Volume 05Chapter 45-55
Volume 04Chapter 34-44
Volume 03Chapter 23-33
Volume 02Chapter 11-22
Volume 01Chapter 1-10
Volume Not AvailableChapter 340
A young Taiwanese assassin codenamed "Glass Heart" committed suicide by jumping off a building, and her heart was pierced by a metal fence. Miraculously, her life was saved by heart transplantation. During her recovery she began to experience strange dreams, which led her to Japan looking for the donor of her heart, who happens to be Kaori Makimura, former partner of City Hunter.
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