
Author(s): SARUWATARI Tetsuya

Status: Completed

Rank: 39440th Comments


Volume 39Chapter 415-426
Ch 426 End     Oct 26, 2016 Ch 425     Oct 18, 2016 Ch 424     Oct 5, 2016 Ch 423     Sep 26, 2016 Ch 422     Sep 21, 2016 Ch 421     Sep 20, 2016 Ch 420     Sep 12, 2016 Ch 419     Sep 9, 2016 Ch 418     Aug 31, 2016 Ch 417     Aug 15, 2016 Ch 416     Aug 5, 2016 Ch 415     Jul 29, 2016
Volume 38Chapter 404-414
Ch 414     Jul 7, 2016 Ch 413     Jun 27, 2016 Ch 412     Jun 22, 2016 Ch 411     Jun 15, 2016 Ch 410     Jun 7, 2016 Ch 409     Jun 1, 2016 Ch 408     May 24, 2016 Ch 407     May 16, 2016 Ch 406     May 9, 2016 Ch 405     Apr 26, 2016 Ch 404     Apr 21, 2016
Volume 37Chapter 378-403
Ch 403     Apr 13, 2016 Ch 402     Apr 8, 2016 Ch 401     Mar 22, 2016 Ch 400     Mar 17, 2016 Ch 399     Mar 8, 2016 Ch 398     Mar 1, 2016 Ch 397     Feb 29, 2016 Ch 396     Feb 16, 2016 Ch 395     Feb 13, 2016 Ch 394     Jan 28, 2016 Ch 393     Jan 25, 2016 Ch 392     Jan 18, 2016 Ch 391     Jan 13, 2016 Ch 390     Jan 6, 2016 Ch 389     Dec 26, 2015 Ch 388     Dec 22, 2015 Ch 387     Dec 16, 2015 Ch 386     Dec 9, 2015 Ch 385     Dec 1, 2015 Ch 384     Nov 18, 2015 Ch 383     Nov 18, 2015 Ch 382     Nov 18, 2015 Ch 381     Oct 22, 2015 Ch 380     Oct 15, 2015 Ch 379     Oct 8, 2015 Ch 378     Sep 30, 2015
Volume 34Chapter 360-377
Volume 33Chapter 349-359.5
Volume 32Chapter 338-348.5
Volume 31Chapter 327-337
Volume 30Chapter 309-326
Volume 29Chapter 302-308
Volume 28Chapter 294-301
Volume 27Chapter 283-293
Volume 26Chapter 272-282
Volume 25Chapter 261-271
Volume 24Chapter 249-260
Volume 23Chapter 236-248
Volume 22Chapter 228-235
Volume 21Chapter 217-227
Volume 20Chapter 206-216.5
Volume 19Chapter 195-205.5
Volume 18Chapter 185-194.5
Volume 17Chapter 174-184.5
Volume 16Chapter 163-173
Volume 15Chapter 152-162
Volume 14Chapter 141-151
Volume 13Chapter 130-140
Volume 12Chapter 119-129
Volume 11Chapter 108-118
Volume 10Chapter 97-107
Volume 09Chapter 86-96
Volume 08Chapter 75-85
Volume 07Chapter 64-74
Volume 06Chapter 53-63
Volume 05Chapter 42-52
Volume 04Chapter 32-41
Volume 03Chapter 21-31
Volume 02Chapter 10-20
Volume 01Chapter 1-9
This is a mixed martial arts fighting manga about the Miyazawa school of martial arts. Initially, it is about Kiichi trying to heal his father after he was nearly killed by his brother Kiryu. But then it goes on to be less about that as his father recovers and some tournament style fighting begins. At that point various apparently overwhelming opponents will encounter Kiichi on his way to the top. The objectives of the various characters start to play a more and more important role, as well as the different philosophical projections of several martial arts and disciplines. (Somewhat maybe like a modern day Samurai story.)
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