Mansen Maou Shoujo...
Shounen, Comedy
Rank: 19180th
Boku to Shisho no...
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 19913th
Maiko-san Chi no...
Seinen, Slice Of Life
Rank: 20513th
Shiki (YOKOYAMA Mitsuteru)
Historical, Seinen
Rank: 21409th
The First Train
Shounen, One Shot
Rank: 22019th
Princess Runna Adventure...
Rank: 23323th
Space Convenience Store
Rank: 23404th
Shoujo Kairo
Comedy, School Life
Rank: 24551th
Yuri na Watashi to...
Yuri, Comedy
Rank: 24941th
Sweet HR - Minami-sensei...
Josei, Comedy
Rank: 25264th
Chinggis Khan
Rank: 26718th
Kuchibiru Kudasai
Shoujo, One Shot
Rank: 27345th
Adventure, Historical
Rank: 28043th
Giant Robo
Shounen, Action
Rank: 28966th
Babel 2-Sei
Rank: 29136th
Gekkou Chou
Shoujo, Mystery
Rank: 29147th
Moyashi Otoko to Tane...
Rank: 29308th
Shoujotachi no Kaidan
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 29804th
Chiki Chiki Banana
Shoujo, Romance
Rank: 29806th
Ozanari Dungeon
Rank: 30538th