Toudou-kun Chi no Maid...
Shounen Ai, Comedy
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 56th
Uchuujin no Kakushigoto
Drama, Horror
Rank: 1268th
Tokyo Neon Scandal
Shounen, Drama
Rank: 1727th
Metsuki Warui Ko Kawaii...
Comedy, Romance
Rank: 1867th
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 2600th
Tiger & Bunny dj -...
Yaoi, Doujinshi
Rank: 2795th
My Girlfriend Isn't Cute
Rank: 3655th
Jinsei wa Futsuka dake
Drama, Fantasy
Rank: 3665th
Scary Girl, Cute Girl
Rank: 3676th
Slaying the Monster
Horror, Seinen
Rank: 3943th
Binan Koukou Chikyuu...
Shoujo, Comedy
Rank: 4985th
Doreidatta Boku no...
Josei, Fantasy
Rank: 5017th
Tsukigui Youma Taijishi
Rank: 5931th
Furenaide Little Star
Yaoi, Drama
Rank: 5952th
Shima-chan Chi no Tsugai...
Yaoi, Romance
Rank: 6031th
Inaka ni Kaeru to...
Rank: 6545th
Haime to Zoukihime
Shounen, Action
Rank: 7000th
Mirror, Mirror, on the...
Comedy, Fantasy
Rank: 7014th
Ribon Heroine wa Daitai...
Rank: 7356th
Uso, Watashi Ima Ika...
Adult, Smut
Rank: 8200th