Tsuihousareru Tabi ni...
Adventure, Fantasy
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 840th
Individualistic Love
Shoujo, Adventure
Rank: 842th
Yagyuu Hichou
Adventure, Drama
Rank: 848th
Sovereign of Judgement...
Action, Adventure
Rank: 851th
I Became the King by...
Shounen, Adventure
Rank: 861th
Saiaku no Avalon
Rank: 867th
The Extra's Academy...
Rank: 873th
Human Mask
Rank: 885th
Meikyuu Gurashi no...
Rank: 886th
The Corpse-Picking Genius...
Shounen, Action
Rank: 888th
I Killed an Academy...
Rank: 890th
Red and Mad
Josei, Adventure
Rank: 905th
Dungeon ni Hisomu...
Rank: 911th
Honobono Isekai Tensei...
Rank: 915th
"Shop" Skill Saeareba,...
Rank: 926th
Legend of the Holy...
Rank: 940th
The Violet Knight...
Rank: 947th
Majo to Youhei
Rank: 950th
Yuiitsu Muni no Saikyou...
Rank: 963th
Yopparai Touzoku, Dorei...
Rank: 978th