Neko no Te datte Yaku...
Shounen, Comedy
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 137th
Tonari no Seki no...
Comedy, Ecchi
Rank: 144th
Koushaku-ke ni Umarete...
Shoujo, Adventure
Rank: 150th
My Brothers, the...
Shoujo, Comedy
Rank: 153th
After Helping the "Ice...
Rank: 155th
Uesugi-kun wa Onnanoko...
Rank: 156th
I Was Immediately...
Comedy, Drama
Rank: 157th
Tonari no Kurokawa-san
Comedy, Romance
Rank: 158th
A Beloved Villain
Yaoi, Comedy
Rank: 161th
Seiryaku Kekkon wa...
Rank: 162th
Kirio Fanclub
Josei, Comedy
Rank: 163th
Until the Tragic Male...
Rank: 166th
No, I Only Charmed...
Rank: 169th
One Too Many Supporting...
Rank: 170th
Sekkaku Reijou ni Hyoui...
Rank: 173th
Legal Pirate Parfait
Adventure, Comedy
Rank: 174th
Regressing As The...
Shounen, Action
Rank: 179th
Warrior Grandpa and...
Rank: 184th
A Dream Escape
Comedy, Fantasy
Rank: 188th
Fami-res Iko.
Comedy, School Life
Rank: 189th