Kono Sekai ga Izure...
Shounen, Fantasy
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 1618th
Jikenya Kagyou
Drama, Mature
Rank: 1619th
Arashigaoka Satsujinjiken
Shoujo, Mystery
Rank: 1642th
Kage Series
Action, Mystery
Rank: 1688th
Tsukumo Nemuru Shizume
Action, Fantasy
Rank: 1716th
Tokyo Neon Scandal
Shounen, Drama
Rank: 1722th
Cultivating the supreme...
Rank: 1742th
Psycho-Pass: Sinners of...
Shounen, Action
Rank: 1744th
Koware Hajimeta...
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 1772th
Hospital Of Hell
Rank: 1789th
Isho, Koukai.
Shounen, Mystery
Rank: 1837th
Omae ga Sekai o...
Rank: 1864th
Ultra Despair Girls:...
Action, Adventure
Rank: 1865th
Natsume no Sekai Ikai...
Drama, Fantasy
Rank: 1934th
Nanashi wa Ittai Dare...
Rank: 1935th
Shepherd House Hotel
Mystery, Seinen
Rank: 1996th
Oboro Tanteichou
Comedy, Historical
Rank: 2030th
Akai Tenshi
Shoujo, Fantasy
Rank: 2031th
Kimi ni Nidome no...
Drama, Horror
Rank: 2047th
Josei, Drama
Rank: 2066th