Dai Furinden
Comedy, Mature
Rank: 1053th
Ryuu to Cameleon
Shounen, Action
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 1056th
Desharow Mermaid
Shounen Ai, Fantasy
Rank: 1071th
Action, Drama
Rank: 1072th
Nezumi no Hatsukoi
Drama, Mature
Rank: 1096th
Hotaru no Yomeiri
Shoujo, Historical
Rank: 1115th
The Fangs That Pierce...
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 1145th
Missing Girl
Shounen, Adventure
Rank: 1161th
School of the Malice
Rank: 1216th
Redline (Inkhead &...
Action, Psychological
Rank: 1255th
Sensitive Boy
Shounen, Drama
Rank: 1316th
Amelia's Opalescent...
Josei, Drama
Rank: 1360th
Death Cord
Rank: 1370th
Umbilical Sex
Yaoi, Psychological
Rank: 1377th
Error in My Love...
Shounen Ai, Drama
Rank: 1395th
She Is Beautiful...
Drama, Mystery
Rank: 1495th
Hinshi no Essayist
Drama, Psychological
Rank: 1497th
Madonna Lily
Ecchi, Psychological
Rank: 1579th
Crazy About
Yaoi, Drama
Rank: 1580th
Fish (MIYAKE Ranjou)
Rank: 1596th