Okisaki-sama to Ningyohime...
Shoujo Ai, Fantasy
Rank: 3905th
Working Overtime to...
Shoujo Ai, Comedy
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 3907th
Haru Tsuzuru, Sakura...
Shoujo Ai, Drama
Rank: 4025th
Just the Way You Are...
Rank: 4051th
Delinquent High School...
Shoujo Ai, Romance
Rank: 4100th
Tsuyoki na Watashi no...
Shoujo Ai, Slice Of Life
Rank: 4204th
The Nightingale and the...
Rank: 4220th
Romance of the Stars
Rank: 4236th
Polaris wa Kienai
Rank: 4268th
Bishoujo x Yankee
Rank: 4270th
Aho na Senpai to...
Rank: 4271th
Seeing Xinghuo Again
Rank: 4317th
Dragon Girl's Happiness
Rank: 4318th
Nail chan to...
Rank: 4363th
A Day in the Life...
Shoujo Ai, School Life
Rank: 4454th
Napping Lily
Rank: 4487th
A Story About a...
Rank: 4490th
Kono Ai wo Owarasete...
Rank: 4505th
Date de Omoikkiri Sakebu...
Rank: 4513th
Nomura Nao and Kyougoku...
Rank: 4553th