The Rogue Prince Is...
Shounen Ai, Drama
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 1237th
Naruto dj - Rinjin no...
Shounen Ai, Doujinshi
Rank: 1262th
Kogitsune Shishou wa...
Shounen Ai, Supernatural
Rank: 1320th
Michikusa (KUNIEDA Saika)
Shounen Ai, Comedy
Rank: 1353th
Error in My Love...
Rank: 1395th
Like Flowing Water
Rank: 1426th
Mitsuki ni Ichido
Rank: 1474th
In the Same Room
Rank: 1487th
How to Eat Peaches
Rank: 1493th
From Hate to Fate
Rank: 1504th
Yuri!!! on Ice dj -...
Rank: 1539th
Saka no Ue no Mahou...
Rank: 1572th
Countdown to Love
Rank: 1585th
Nichiyoubi no Ichigo-chan
Rank: 1607th
Wangzi De Wangzi
Shounen Ai, Adventure
Rank: 1639th
Poe no Ichizoku: Unicorn
Josei, Historical
Rank: 1646th
Saint Guardian
Shoujo, Romance
Rank: 1656th
Shounen Ai, Webtoons
Rank: 1709th
Jojo no Kimyou na...
Rank: 1718th
I Became the Lousy...
Rank: 1753th