Abunai Shuugaku Ryoukou
- Volume 05Chapter 37-41
- Ch 41 Oct 1, 2019 Ch 40 Sep 9, 2019 Ch 39 Jul 31, 2019 Ch 38 Jul 31, 2019 Ch 37 Jul 28, 2019
- Volume 04Chapter 36
- Ch 36 Jul 26, 2019
Izumi starts high school on a low note. For some unknown reason, rumors refer to him as the notorious Izumi, a thug who loves to fight. The truth is dramatically different. Izumi is the housekeeper for his widowed father, and spends his after-school free time doing the shopping, cooking and cleaning. He doesn't have the time or energy for friends, so his bad reputation actually is useful.
But what is the problem with Segawa and Sawatari? Why are the school idols always being so friendly with him? Don't they know about his reputation? What sort of friendship do they have in mind anyway? Why does Izumi start to feel like a ham-bone caught between two hound dogs?