Wakadanna-sama no Iinari...
Josei, Romance
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 424th
FPS de Shoshinsha...
Shounen, Comedy
Rank: 789th
Puniru wa Kawaii Slime
Rank: 1176th
Michikusa (KUNIEDA Saika)
Shounen Ai, Comedy
Rank: 1341th
Dare demo Dakeru Kimi...
Adult, Comedy
Rank: 1619th
Tensei Shitara Mahou to...
Shounen, Adventure
Rank: 1776th
You're My Sun
Josei, Drama
Rank: 1937th
Hibike! Euphonium -...
Shounen, School Life
Rank: 1956th
Yuusha Party wo Tsuihou...
Rank: 1976th
Versailles no Bara...
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 1986th
Kaiji to Okan
Rank: 2081th
I Was Tricked Into...
Shoujo, Adventure
Rank: 2171th
Imigrim - Yowamushi...
Shoujo, Comedy
Rank: 2359th
Harapeko Succubus to...
Rank: 2928th
Hadashi de Bara o...
Rank: 3093th
Ura Peach Girl
Rank: 3704th
Kimi ni Somaru Machi...
Yaoi, Romance
Rank: 3798th
Stay Home - Romantic...
Rank: 4278th
Crows Zero dj - Moso...
Yaoi, Comedy
Rank: 4453th
Belle and the Beast's...
Rank: 4458th