Miyu-chan wa Zutto...
Mystery, Romance
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 144th
Kiraboshi Ojou-sama no...
Shounen, Comedy
Rank: 1406th
Ouji to Kojiki
Yaoi, Gender Bender
Rank: 3290th
Kowashiya Gen
Seinen, Slice Of Life
Rank: 3471th
Bija no Joou
Historical, Seinen
Rank: 4061th
Daimahou Touge
Shounen, Action
Rank: 5734th
Danshi Koukousei o...
Rank: 6864th
Inu to Neko docchi mo...
Shoujo, Comedy
Rank: 11257th
Kyoukai no Mikurina
Rank: 15184th
Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku -...
Action, Comedy
Rank: 16839th
1-nen A-gumi no Monster
Rank: 19049th
The Story of an...
Rank: 19210th
Seishun Hanashinjuu
Yaoi, Drama
Rank: 20556th
Dragon Ball dj -...
Comedy, Doujinshi
Rank: 21092th
S Watari-san to M...
School Life, Seinen
Rank: 22704th
Drama, Mature
Rank: 23897th
Thank You My God
Rank: 24415th
Fubin BL
Shounen Ai, One Shot
Rank: 26521th
Chari ni Norenai!
Rank: 26731th
Watashi no Oniichan
Comedy, School Life
Rank: 27518th