Erotic Fairy Tales - The Little Mermaid
- Volume 18Chapter 35-36
- Ch 36 [END] Dec 16, 2015 Ch 35 Dec 12, 2015
- Volume 17Chapter 33-34
- Ch 34 Nov 5, 2015 Ch 33 Oct 25, 2015
- Volume 16Chapter 31-32
- Ch 32 Oct 10, 2015 Ch 31 Oct 4, 2015
- Volume 15Chapter 29-30
- Volume 14Chapter 27-28
- Volume 13Chapter 25-26
- Volume 10Chapter 19-24
- Volume 09Chapter 17-18
- Volume 08Chapter 15-16
- Volume 07Chapter 13-14
- Volume 06Chapter 11-12.5
- Volume 05Chapter 9-10
- Volume 04Chapter 7-8
- Volume 03Chapter 5-6
- Volume 02Chapter 3-4
- Volume 01Chapter 1-2
Lotte has always been fascinated by the surface world, but mermaids are forbidden to ever have contact with humans. One day, she finds a handsome young man adrift in a shipwreck and takes him to shore. More obsessed with the surface than ever, Lotte jumps at the chance to become human when a demon named J offers her a magic potion. But there's more to J's potion—and his intentions—than meets the eye...