God Eater - The Spiral Fate
- Volume 02Chapter 8-9
- Ch 9 Mission 9: Reunion Nov 19, 2013 Ch 8 Mission 8: Determina... Nov 19, 2013
- Volume 01Chapter 1-7.5
- Ch 7.5 Bonus Track 1: Sunny... Nov 19, 2013 Ch 7 Mission 7: Awakening Nov 19, 2013 Ch 6 Mission 6: New Style Nov 19, 2013 Ch 5.5 Mission 5.5: A Secre... Nov 19, 2013 Ch 5 Mission 5: A Secret... Mar 22, 2012 Ch 4 Mission 4: The Evolu... Mar 7, 2012 Ch 3 Mission 3: Charge Mar 1, 2012 Ch 2 Mission 2: The Loss Feb 26, 2012 Ch 1 Mission 1: The Retur... Feb 24, 2012
It's 2071 and Earth as we know it is in ruins ruled by Wild Gods, the "Aragamis". Set after half a year in the Original Game Story, Kagami Ryo, Leader of Far East Branch's Team One, travels from Finland to return to what was formerly called Japan.