Mikami Sensei no...
Shoujo, Comedy
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 26477th
Meikyuu Romantica
Shoujo, Fantasy
Rank: 26654th
Megane Danshi na Kare.
Shoujo, Smut
Rank: 26704th
Kagemusha - Tokugawa...
Shounen, Action
Rank: 26836th
Sensei, Suki.
Shoujo, Romance
Rank: 27393th
Kedamono Kareshi
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 29201st
B-Gata Kareshi no...
Rank: 29825th
Tales of Xillia dj -...
Comedy, Doujinshi
Rank: 30005th
Koyoi, Kimi to Kiss...
Rank: 30153th
Kore ga Koi to Iu...
Rank: 30673th
Un-Go - Ingaron
Mystery, Psychological
Rank: 30737th
Shitasaki no Netsu
Shounen Ai, Comedy
Rank: 31188th
Chronos - Deep
Action, Comedy
Rank: 31362th
Gensoku Tsundere Danshi...
Rank: 32400th
Yoru Naku Suzume
Shounen, Drama
Rank: 33091th
Iinchou no Himegoto
Shoujo, Action
Rank: 33340th
Wizards Nation
Adventure, Fantasy
Rank: 33364th
Junjou Electric
Rank: 34259th
Tameiki no Ondo
Yaoi, Drama
Rank: 34752th
Saikyou no H
Rank: 35516th