Nando Dakaretatte, Suki...
Josei, Romance
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 385th
Men of the Harem
Josei, Drama
Rank: 388th
Ookami-sama no Irui...
Josei, Fantasy
Rank: 394th
Isshukan de Koi ni...
Rank: 400th
An Unwholesome Proposal
Rank: 405th
The Most Perfect...
Rank: 406th
Bouqet no Mahou
Rank: 407th
Hageshime Ookami-kun no...
Rank: 411th
Wakadanna-sama no Iinari...
Rank: 412th
Sentou to Vampire
Josei, Comedy
Rank: 418th
Before the Real Heroine...
Rank: 421th
Kokoro no Puzzle o...
Rank: 424th
Isekai Mofumofu Cafe
Josei, Adventure
Rank: 433th
Time Traveler (Unseol)
Rank: 435th
Toaru Chisa na Mura...
Rank: 446th
Joseon Dynasty Erotica...
Rank: 447th
The Male Lead's...
Rank: 450th
Batsuichi ga Moteru...
Rank: 460th
The Vampire's Plans to...
Rank: 467th
Watashi no Koto Kiraitte...
Rank: 474th