The Violet Knight...
Josei, Adventure
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 927th
The Problematic Prince
Josei, Drama
Rank: 935th
Things I Don't Know...
Josei, Mystery
Rank: 969th
The Reincarnated Saint...
Josei, Fantasy
Rank: 983th
Prodigiously Amazing...
Josei, Action
Rank: 989th
Douse Suterareru no...
Rank: 990th
Ai to Inbou no Oukyuu
Josei, Romance
Rank: 1005th
Peten Hakushaku no...
Josei, Historical
Rank: 1007th
Josei, Comedy
Rank: 1032th
Personal Preference
Rank: 1061th
I Treated the Mastermind...
Rank: 1062th
Secrets of the Mystic...
Rank: 1074th
A Record of the Crown...
Rank: 1075th
Rewriting My Tragic...
Rank: 1086th
Match Made in Hell
Rank: 1091th
May the Holy One Come
Josei, Adult
Rank: 1120th
Rank: 1126th
Marriage? No Thanks!
Rank: 1131th
Shijuu kara
Rank: 1159th
Not Marriage Material
Rank: 1165th