Yuukoku no Moriarty: The...
Shounen, Drama
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 515th
Bakemonotachi wa yoake...
Shoujo, Mystery
Rank: 533th
Memorial (sangC)
Horror, Mystery
Rank: 551th
Hen na Ie
Rank: 559th
Only One Tomorrow
Josei, Drama
Rank: 573th
Yuki to Sumi (UNOHANA...
Mystery, Romance
Rank: 584th
Smiley (HATTORI Mitei)
Rank: 588th
Neon Genesis Evangelion:...
Shounen, Action
Rank: 618th
Watashi no Arika
Drama, Mystery
Rank: 640th
Tensei Shitara Hime...
Shounen, Adventure
Rank: 661th
Ryoukai Shinpan
Shounen, Horror
Rank: 674th
Carpe Diem
Shounen, Mystery
Rank: 719th
Yougisha A no Hanayome
Shoujo, Drama
Rank: 740th
Cat in the Pupa
Shoujo, Fantasy
Rank: 802nd
Kaminagashijima - Rinne...
Rank: 821th
The Killing Vote
Rank: 826th
Connect (Shin Dae-Sung)
Mature, Mystery
Rank: 935th
From Me to You (MJ)
Shounen Ai, Drama
Rank: 936th
Minasama ni wa Jinken...
Rank: 952th
Things I Don't Know...
Josei, Mystery
Rank: 960th