Tensei Shitara Hime...
Shounen, Adventure
Status: Ongoing
Rank: 690th
Choudokyuu Cheat Akuyaku...
Shoujo, Action
Rank: 694th
Kaifukushoku no Akuyaku...
Shoujo, Adventure
Rank: 700th
The World's Strongest...
Action, Adventure
Rank: 705th
Tsuihou Sareta...
Rank: 708th
Kizetsu Yuusha to...
Rank: 711th
Fukushuu no Taishi -...
Shounen, Action
Rank: 725th
The Gardener in a...
Rank: 726th
Necromancer Academy and...
Rank: 731th
Makyo Seikatsu
Rank: 742th
The Only Person in...
Rank: 752th
Henkyou no Yakushi,...
Rank: 777th
Rank: 782th
Unborn (Novel)
Rank: 783th
The Amazing Village...
Adventure, Comedy
Rank: 784th
Death: Rescheduled
Rank: 788th
Reincarnation Path of...
Rank: 802nd
The Cook of a...
Rank: 823th
Ore Igai Dare mo...
Rank: 834th
Akuyaku Reijou desu ga,...
Adult, Adventure
Rank: 838th